In this time of significant change and uncertainty, one thing is for sure; you need to get out and communicate once again. As always, Preston Productions is ready to help you get back to leading once again. Who do you need to reach? Customers? Employees? Members? Donors? Maybe a combination?
Do you need to see people face-to-face, or do you want to stay socially distanced? Maybe you need to reach new audiences in fresh and novel ways. Preston Productions has been busy providing clients with flexible and innovative ways to connect that match their particular needs.
It is said that Live Events are returning with a vengeance. We are all hoping this is true. We all miss the face-to-face contact that covid has taken away from us. What better way to shake off the dust of the past year-and-a-half than with an event that brings your customers together to celebrate your products or services? Preston has been creating successful live events for more than 35 years. With our 4D’s method, we help craft your message and deliver it to the right audience. They will hear what you want them to know.
Virtual events became the new standard for safely reaching audiences. As we remove our masks and start seeing each other in person once again, some of the lessons learned from the new wave of virtual events can still come into play today. Even though we had been bringing audiences together online long before Covid, we have learned many new applications and techniques that make a compelling case for taking your event virtual. As a cost-effective way to reach a large audience for a brief amount of time, you can’t beat a virtual meeting. Preston has the technical expertise and creative chops to make sure your virtual audience is engaged and receives your message loud and clear.
Many say that hybrid events are the communications format of the future. Preston has been creating hybrid events for years. This is not new for us. These meetings are a terrific combination of live and online events that extend the reach of a typical live event without a significant increase in cost or complexity. Perhaps you need to reach out to key managers and stakeholders to discuss how to implement a new business technique. A live, face-to-face conference is the best way to allow these employees to hash out a plan and decide how to move forward. Of course, they can’t work in a vacuum. When they are ready to start conversing with more people in your organization, why not bring them into the meeting for an interactive online session or two. More engagement. Better buy-in. Less expense.
If you are still unsure about getting everyone together or need an outward message to customers, video is a great alternative. At Preston, we know when to step off the stage, but not out of the spotlight! And we can do the same for you! Sometimes a video can convey with pictures and interviews all that you need your audience to know. Preston has been creating compelling videos for years. We approach video messaging the same way we prepare for your live event. Using our prescriptive method to discover your message and design and focused video, we will make sure you deliver your objectives.
We know that there are a lot of choices, and the whole communications process can become a bit confusing. That is why we are here to help. We can guide you through the options and put you on the right path to reach your goals. Just give Preston a call today and get back to effectively communicating to your audience.